Dermal Filler Treatments | Dermal Fillers Sheffield
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0114 2218838 |

A Woman's head and shoulders
A Woman's head and shoulders

Why Choose Dermal Fillers?

As we age, our skin starts to lose moisture (hyaluronic acid) and natural levels of collagen and elastin start to decline, meaning your complexion becomes dry, decreases in volume and lines and wrinkles start to appear.

These signs of ageing are most commonly noticed initially around the cheeks and chin, as the levels of subcutaneous fat in the face start to reduce and skull bones begin to reabsorb, therefore becoming thinner and meaning that the skin starts to hang and sag.

The shape of the face then changes from the “triangle of youth” to rectangular and heavier shaped, which is where dermal filler can play a huge part in helping to restore lost volume, by boosting levels of hyaluronic acid when injected into alternating layers of the dermis. Creating a subtle, smooth and natural result.

Carefully placed dermal fillers replace volume where volume has been lost and areas that can be treated include the cheeks, chin, jawline and under the eyes, nose to mouth lines, mouth to chin and above the lip. A consultation will be carried out at our Sheffield-based clinic pre procedure and a personal treatment plan made to achieve your goals.

Often, a combination of Botox® and dermal filler can offer optimum results, as pictured in the before and after above.

Prices from


Anti-Wrinkle Injections Overview

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Procedure Time

30-60 Minutes

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Discomfort Level


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Tropical Numbing Cream. Filler also contains Lidocaine

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Recovery Time

1-2 Hours

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Final Results

2 Weeks

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Duration of results

6-18 Months. Product dependant

Disclaimer:You are unique and so is your skin, which is why at Eterno Aesthetics, we always endeavour to recommend and prescribe only the very best treatments for your complexion. Procedure plans, results, down time and recovery vary from person to person and we will advise the most suitable dermal filler treatment for your concerns.