Do you suffer from lack of eyelash growth or are wanting longer, thicker, darker lashes? Lumigan is a prescription-based solution that has been clinically proven to improve length and lash volume by prolonging the growth cycle.
Bimatoprost is a medicine that typically treats high pressure in the eye (ocular hypertension) and helps with glaucoma. It’s also the active ingredient in Lumigan and is made by the leading US based pharmaceutical group who also make Botox.
Lumigan is a solution that is applied with an eyeliner brush to the upper lash line, improving the length and volume of the eyelashes. It works by prolonging the growth cycle of the eyelash, which in turn, results in longer, thicker and darker lashes.
Lumigan should be applied once nightly to the base of the upper eyelashes. Results usually start to show in as little as 4 weeks, with full results visible in 12 - 16 weeks, as long as treatment is continued. It is important to be careful during application as pigmentation of the eyelid can occur if the application is too liberal. A maintenance dose of every other night is recommended after 12 weeks.
Prices from
30 Minutes
2 Weeks
3-4 Months
Disclaimer:You are unique and so is your skin, which is why at Eterno Aesthetics, we always endeavour to recommend and prescribe only the very best treatments for your complexion. Procedure plans, results, down time and recovery vary from person to person and we will advise the most suitable injectables for your concerns.